Holy Cow! A lot has happened since I last posted! Well, first of all, tomorrow I start my SENIOR year of college. What?! Can that reallllly be true? I don't feel like I have been here going on 4 years. Holy buckets batman. Anyway. Life has been busy to say the least! I have been working, I have been babysitting some of my favorite girls, making some yummy desserts with friends and the girls, been taking pictures, moving Brittany in to the basement (Woo!), going to leader training, moving freshmen in to the dorms, hosting a HUGE bbq at our house to kick off the school year, being tested by God, spending time with some friends and some more testing by God, first week of classes, first bible study and first challenge! It has been great. =) This past weekend, well technically starting on Thursday, and went through the weekend, was Christian Challenge leadership training! Oh, I just love love love all of it! It was a great time to see everyone that was gone over the summer, and to really learn some great things to help share the Gospel. =) Then, after move in on Saturday, we hosted a BBQ at our house! It was amazing! There were probably around a little more than 200 that showed up. It was awesome to see so many freshmen here, and oldies too! It was grand! So, here is a random picture post. =)
I will always love trains. (Go Railers!) ;)

God's beauty always amazes me.

Playing around with my camera. =)

Baking cake in a jar with two of my favorites. The adorable Sapp girls. =)
I loved watching them while they were trying to figure out what colors they were making

Please notice Josie's purple moustache. I look over and her head is on the jar trying to lick the batter off of the sides. It didn't work to well and she had a very colorful ring around her mouth. It was to cute actually. =)
Photoshoot with these three stunning ladies!

A huge lightning storm in Manhattan!

Cookout time! On the right: Bob Anderson said that at leadership training and we decided to find a use for our blackboard! =)

GREAT turnout!

I love my house. =)

Missy got a new camera, so we were walking around campus trying it out, so I grabbed mine too!
Here are two of my favorite shots from that little walk.
I mean, it is a pretty great name.

The new WWII Memorial on campus with the flag reflecting off of it. (and of course the K-State flag too!) =)

Well, there ya go for random! I hope that everyone has a great and awesome weekend! =)
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