This past Friday, it was a night that we were totally on a roller coaster of emotions! This friday was the day that my grandma and my grandpa were both inducted into our High School's Athletic Hall of Fame. The two of them were two of the main people who started this Hall of Fame, and I was so proud that I got to see them be inducted into it. It was a very sad night though, because Grandma wasn't there, and this was her baby. She was always always ALWAYS super prepared and organized for this. Every year, she would tell us stories about what was happening with the food, and who was getting inducted. It was also special, because I got to wear the necklace that was Grandma's that Grandpa gave me for Christmas and Emily got to wear her earrings. =) So, last night at the high school football game, we were supposed to walk out on the field during half time to accept the award with Grandpa for the both of them. Wellll, knowing Kansas, you never know what will happen or not. So, we got a lovely 50 minute rain delay, but after that, the game went on, we went and accepted the awards and then off to the reception for speeches and people! (By the way, NHS totally dominated.) It was great. So, going from happy, to sad, to proud, to sad, from laughter, to tears, and so on and so forth, it was a good night over all.
My sister and I ready for the game!

My beautiful mother with her daughters!

They were having fun covering up during the rain. Haha =)

The awesome Railers dominating! =D

Grandpa and his girls, minus Kaylee

I adore my family.

Mom and Uncle Mur accepting Grandma's award for her. Mur did a great job!

My grandpa gave a great speech and he is also the cutest man ever. =) I love him.


I love my cousin Avery! He is so handsome!

I have the best friend in the whole world.

Oh. And the best sister and mom.

Just caught up on your blog. As always you take some fascinating pictures! Especially those two cute girls, ;) You have a gift, girl!