The other day, I was taking a nap, and all the sudden, Kaley wakes me up and says, "lets go take pictures!" Let me tell you, it was a very interesting way to wake up from a nap. The whole summer, we have been talking about us going and me taking pictures of her to practice taking senior portraits, or just portraits of one person! It was a lot of fun! When I went home last week, I found an awesome vintage suitcase that is in great condition and for my birthday, my mom bought me a really cute stool thing and so, after I woke up a little more, I charged my battery, gathered the props, beautified her and hit the road! =) We went to the train tracks/bridge thing on highway 24. Funny story actually, we were in the middle of some pictures and we all the sudden hear a train, so we clear the stuff off of the tracks and stand down towards the gate and about 3 minutes later, a train comes! It was actually very cool! Haha. Then, we packed up our stuff and head out to Tuttle! Here are some of my favorites from the day! =D

She has some of the most stunning eyes!

this is a definite favorite. =)

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