Man! My nose has been in books this past week, that everytime I would think of updating, I would forget or fall asleep. =) Finals are officially over and I have OFFICIALLY started summer vacation! Woot woot!! =D Holy cow... This semester has been so strange! We had so many snow days at my school, and I had three surgeries that got behind too. I never thought this semester of school would end! I am so glad it has though! Only for the school work though. I kind of want to freeze time when it comes to friends and the seniors that are graduating and moving away. If you know me, I absolutely HATE change. So, now that a lot of my dear friends are moving away, that is change, therefore, I hate it. Dang. I am super excited for every single one of them and cannot wait to see where God takes them!! =D This past week or two has been packed full of challenge events/random things that I thought I would share with all of you! Well, it consisted of the last 834 group time, the last worship team time, a wedding, The Casual (a dance), midnight runs to IHOP, Studying, studying, OH! and more studying, The Last challenge and a bonfire/worship night of awesomeness. =) Don't worry, I won't put pictures from EVERYTHING, that post would be way to long and I feel like you would get bored, so I will just put up a couple from some of them =) So, if you are in college, I wish you luck on all of your finals and ending of school times and if you aren't, I wish you luck in whatever you are doing at this point, and I hope that everyone is loving this weather that God has blessed us with!! =)
First started with an orange leaf date with my very dear friend from high school and her daughter! =) Loved it!
2 pictures of me with some of my favorite girls. =)
Porch time with one of my roomies.
The amazing worship team. =) Love them!

The note card pile that was my choice of study tool. They took about 2 hours, but were definitely worth it!

Man! I love my life! =D
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