Hello friends!! I hope that everyone had such an amazing 4th of July! I know I did! I was able to come home all week (minus a trip back for a day of work and a meeting) to Newton and I loved it! I have been needing a trip home for quite sometime. All I have been able to get lately were little 1 day quick visits that, quite frankly, were not cutting it. It has been swell! My cousin Jonny's best friend came from Seattle and it was great! It was like having a little piece of Jonny with us for the fourth again. =D It has also been a great time for the three of us to be together, aka, my mom, sister and I. There has been a lot of laughter and that truly is the best medicine. It has also been a great time to catch up on stuff going on with my art show! Not all of you know, but I am getting the amazing opportunity to co-host an art show in Halstead and I am so excited about it! My stuff will be going up tomorrow and it will be in the Gallery until the 20th of August, but we will have an actual show July 30. Here are some pictures of the week! Actually, they are from the fourth, we have yet to do a trio photo shoot, but enjoy my Fourth pics!! =D
When we got there, we found this cutie in the pool

This cutie was taking a nap, and didn't like the big boom that woke her up

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