Hello! Yeah, I have been lacking with this whole posting thing. Sorry about that! A LOT has been happening! Well, my computer crashing is one of the bigger things, that is why there has been a lack of posts. I have been using my roomie's computer to get by. =) Since my absence, I have been taking pictures of adorable children, awesome families and other random stuff and during the editing of these, I think my computer decided that it officially hated me for all of the memory I was taking up, so it crashed, but I made a huge step in the business direction and I was able to use the money that I have been saving up from my art show, and photo sessions and bought a new laptop STRICTLY for pictures and editing. I am so excited to get it! =) Business aside, my break has been overall pretty good! It started with Tacky Sweater night at Christmas Challenge, babysitting a couple of my favorite girls, and mostly staying in Manhattan for the majority, but the *combined* 2ish weeks at home were really good. This year's Christmas' was one of the best that I can remember. I don't know what it was about it, but it was just awesome. Started with the Akers family Christmas at the Diamond W Wranglers Christmas show in Cowtown. How fun! Then, at our church we had our Evening in December where, Emily and I sang together and we definitely showed how fun we are and dressed as twins. haha, it was awesome. =) Fun times. Then we went over the Grandpa's and this year was another emotional year. DEFINITELY not as emotional as last year, but Grandpa gave us all a special gift again that kind of hit an emotion button. My grandma had an Indian jeweler that she LOVED and Grandpa had that jeweler make all of us girls one of a kind necklaces. They are beautiful! Then, we had a small Christmas this year according to presents, but we really didn't care. Emily and I are to the age where that isn't what Christmas is about and I think that helped. =) Then, on Christmas day, Carrie got to be with us ALLLL day. It was awesome! Now that she has been with us on Thanksgiving, and Christmas, which holiday is next?! Hmmmmmm. haha, Christmas day was awesome though. Very relaxing and I think exactly what all of us needed. We watched about 4.5 Christmas movies while we were working on our annual christmas puzzle. Let me tell you, it was good Carrie was here this year. Those Schulz's love their puzzles and she was a machine! ;) Needless to say, Christmas was awesome and I actually didn't want to come back to Manhattan. BUT, I got back and it has been good, other than me being home alone until January 3, but I did get a lot of quiet time and time to think. New Years kind of hit hard this year for us and I let my depression get the best of me, but Mom and Em came up and spent the evening, night and morning with me and it helped a lot and now Brittany is back, and things are starting to get back to normal. =) Here are some pictures that I took off of my facebook because I couldn't really upload them from my computer. =) Enjoy!
(Sorry for the complete random post.)
Tacky Sweater Christmas Challenge!
Roomie and I with our homemade tacky sweaters! =)

Me and the awesome guys of the worship team. They are pretty great

The girls of the worship team (Past and Present) =)

These guys are wonderful.

Two of my favorite girls with the presents I got them!

This little bundle of joy is about to turn one! Crazy!

The Akers family! Well, those that could attend. =)

The Diamond W Wranglers

My mom and her brother and sister. =)

The ladies with the Wranglers. =)
My seester and I in our lovely attire. =)

My best friend and I. Our typical pose.

Now on to Anderson family Christmas! All of the grandkids with Grandpa. =)

Us girls with our necklaces!
Mom, Em and Carrie working on the Puzzle

One of our many movies of the day!

Me and my best friend. What a blessing. =)

More blessings in my life. Gotta love the matching Seahawks attire too. =) hehe

Sisters with the finished puzzle. =)

The finished puzzle!!

So. There ya have it! Sorry for the long post! I hope that you have had a super great break full of family, fun and blessings! =D
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