In our family, we were all more or less dreading this Christmas because Grandma would not be there. We were so wrong. This is a Christmas that we will always remember. Grandma was there, we could feel her in everything, from the tree to the meal... She was there. When we were dividing the presents, there were seven under the tree addressed to us from Grandma, so we saved those and one other one for the last ones to be opened. I am so glad we didn't open those first. The first one, was a recipe book that she had typed up for all of her grandchildren to give us at our weddings, they had the family recipes, her favorite recipes and tons more for us. That was super emotional, BUT then, there were 5 little gifts for the girls from Grandpa. We each opened them one at a time. Kaylee got a precious moments Noah's Ark, Carlye got a music box from her, Abby got a necklace with the initials J.A., and her birthstone (They shared the same birth stone) =) Then it came to me, I was already a mess, but when I opened it, it was so beautiful. It was one of her favorite cross necklaces and it had turquoise on it. If you didn't know her, my grandma LOVED anything and everything turquoise. It is amazing. Then came my sister, she got the most amazing and most precious gift. They were earrings that my Grandpa had gotten for my Grandma to give her this Christmas. We call them the miracle earrings... They are stunning. So, this years Christmas at the grandparents house ended up being terrible, but amazing in one. =) And on Christmas morning... I got the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. You will see in the picture later on... And we spent the day as a family. We went Geocaching, came home to relax, went geocaching again, home to watch A Christmas Carol with Jim Carrey, and then yes, even more geocaching... It was wonderful! =) I hope you all had the most amazing Christmas' and you saw God's light truly shining!!
Grandpa (and helpers) did an amazing job! Grandma would be proud...
Family =)

All of the cousins

All of us with Grandpa

The recipe book
She typed up every recipe 7 times...
The cross necklace
It is so pretty!!
Also, this year, we didn't do a huge puzzle... We did a little 48 piecer. =)

All bundled for Geocaching

She is pretty great. =) haha
While we were geocaching, we had a sword fight. =) Of course!!

Charlie even participated!
And introducing...
My new toy!!!! I got a Canon Rebel xs EOS 1000D.
Aka. The most beautiful thing I have ever seen.

I am seriously in love with it. =) =)

1 Chronicles 16:34:
"Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever."