Monday, January 31, 2011

Women's Retreat!

This past weekend, I went to the Christian Challenge Women's Retreat. It was truly a blessing. The retreats/trips that Challenge provides, come at perfect times, When I get really stressed, run down or tired. This weekend was so great! Priscilla Sapp was the speaker and she talked about the amazing life of Daniel and gave us some great practical questions to live like Daniel. It was so great to hear her again! I heard her share at Summit a couple years ago, and her wisdom and experiences are amazing. =) When Priscilla wasn't talking, it was a great time of dancing, laughing, worshiping, talking about relationships/engagements (there have been a lot of those recently, so there were a lot of stories!) and just a great community of women. Here are some pictures and videos from the weekend! Enjoy!

Shannon was even there!
A lot of talking happened.
Let the dance party begin!
All of the girls dancing to the 'Cupid Shuffle'

Missy and Lizy taught everyone a dance

Then, of course, Jai Ho happened!

The girls from our LIFE group that came =)
Dance Circle
More talking + Shannon
Quiet times were amazing
These ladies were all talking about their engagements/wedding plans
Priscilla speaking
Great turnout!
Casey, Laura and Whitney led worship

Beautiful women!
The amazing Sunrise that we woke up to
The Living Water Ranch is beautiful!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Snow Ice Cream!

Since Manhattan has been getting A LOT of snow the past day or two, the girls of the 901 thought it would be fun to make Snow Ice cream! =) So, last night, we did it! It is so easy, and so fun to make! Here's how you do it!

First, you have to gather the snow...
(preferably clean.)
Second: If you get stuck in snow boots, have a friend help ;)
3: Take pictures while they try to get the snow boots off...
4: Gather ingredients: Milk, Sugar, snow, and vanilla
5: Scoop however much snow you would like into a big bowl
6: Add about 2 cups of milk (we ran out of milk, so we used coconut milk)
Eat the snow!
7. Add about 2 tablespoons vanilla to the mix
8. Add a cup of sugar
9. Stir it all together and you get ice cream!
Then, try it! (We might have been a little scared by the coconut milk, but it was good) ;)
You can also solve a few conflicts with a bowl of snow... ;)
And enjoy it with wonderful people (that is what I did at least.)
=) I hope you can make snow ice cream!! Enjoy!!